Sunday, August 19, 2007

He's mine.. I've had him for a couple of years now. Don't worry too much, I still prefer the english riding. I don't think I'll be heading to the rodeo any time soon.

Horses on Spy Glass?

Well, to say the least, I am horrified about riding a horse on the hallowed fairways of Spy Glass, but I am impressed that you also recognized the sanctity of Spy Glass, so that gets you off the hook.

The truck looks like a beauty, and you are right, it will last you a long time. You sound like a rancher. Is the Paint your horse, or a loaner?

As you know, we have several ranches around here. It's funny to see a truck/horse trailer combo go through town, with a saddled horse or two in the trailer, going from one pasture to another. some of these cattle operations are quite large, given the area.

Let me know when you start bulldogging, and thinking about the rodeo, so I can take out some insurance on you. Love you........
My apologies, I thought I had already sent you the truck picture... too much going on these days, I guess. Here it is:

It's a 1999 F250 7.2L Diesel with about 90K miles on it, so it's going to last me years to come. When I took it in to get it's first oil change, I was surprised to realize it holds 12 quarts of oil! Just a bit bigger than the Corolla, which you can sort of see in this view:

It's already been really great. Since May, I've hauled horses to various local destinations I'm guessing now about 15 times, gone to the feed store and brought back 10 bales of hay in the bed, gone to Home Depot to get wood for various reasons, brought my bike and a patio table and chair set over from San Jose, and was the designated driver for 5 other people for a party one evening.

Hauling horses around was a bit nerve-racking at first, but I've gotten used to it at this point. A small group of us from the ranch have been heading over to Gilroy on some Sundays to practice Sorting (cows). People do this competitively, but the Sundays are just for fun. As far as my horse is concerned, he just gets to chase things, which always makes him happy. As long as we have our eye on the same cow, he does pretty good. Here's a shot of Amanda (on the Sorrel) Judi (on the Palomino) and me (on the Paint) gettin' it done....

Last weekend we trailered down to ride at Pebble Beach with a friend of a friend who lives there. Dad, you'll be horrified to hear that one of the trails we were on actually ran up along a few holes of Spy Glass. I guess they recently widened the fairways on a few of them, so the horse trail had us actually trotting up the edge of the fairway, putting horse shoe prints in the golf course grass! I felt like we were doing something very bad, but I guess it's ok... or at least no one yelled at us. A couple of the foursomes even let us trot on through before they teed off.

Today I went on an early morning trail ride with a couple of people from the ranch at one of the local state parks. An this afternoon, I'm just getting some things done around the house. It's not a glamorous life, but it keeps me busy!

Sunday, 8/19 in Florida

Not withstanding Brent's critique, I thought I'd continue to use this so that I could pursue some of the options available, and I need Christian to advise on those.

Our weather is typical, although on the dry side. We get rain, but not enough to replenish the drought. We had 6/10 ths inch the other night, and a guy who lives maybe a half mile away, got 2 1/2 inches. Temperatures are a little on the high side by a couple of degrees, but I think that is because of the high pressure system not normally over this part of the country in the summer.

Hurricane Dean is going to be too far south to provide much rain for us I'm afraid. It's going to have to turn north in a hurry to impact us. The tropical storm that hit Texas was somewhat a surprise, and we could have used the rain instead of Texas/Oklahoma. Neal, it looks like you are getting some rain, as the NASCAR race in Michigan appears to be canceled due to rain.

I'm back doing some work for the church, only this time it is web based stuff, and also some email stuff. They want to cut down on the postage costs associated with mailing out the monthly newsletter, so I think we can build a hot link into an email that will be generated from the data base system currently used. They also want to build a church calendar on the web, and that may be a simple task if I can convince them to limit the number of people who can write to the calendar. They had previously found some software that cost $75 / month, forever, to do the same thing. Sometimes technology gets in the way.

Kiersten, how about posting some pictures of the Ford Diesel. You are now the mistress of trucks in the family, since Neal and I only have Rangers. At least I think Neal has a Ranger. If he does, then I can say we are Ford Tough. Actually, mine has been acting up lately. Due to the heat, I've been running the air conditioner in MAX mode, with the fan at the highest speed, due to the short trips to town. When I try to restart it in a parking lot, with the temps registering over 100 degrees on my thermometer, the engine is hard to start. Yesterday it did it again, and I realized when I started to smell the gas, that it was flooding, so I tried to start it without using the accelerator, and it started just fine. Apparently you can get a vapor lock with fuel injection also. I've only driven it 2900 miles since January 1, 2007, so it doesn't get a lot of exercise. I realize that may be a lot by Neal's standards, but

I finished the boat project this week, and while it looks really nice to the untrained eye, I quickly zero in on the two or three areas where I had to compromise the carpet treatment. Then to make matters worse, when I was putting everything back together, I couldn't find the mounting bracket for the front depth finder. I have looked in every nook of the neighbor's garage where I did the work, and it is missing. It's not a big deal, as I can fabricate a mounting bracket from some sheet metal, but it is still a pain in the arse. I also bought a new cover which doesn't measure up to the advertised measurements, so I'll have to come up with a makeshift cover for the engine. It is 12 years old, at least, and runs perfectly, so I want to treat it with a lot of kindness. Then today I replaced one of the trailer lights, and had to re-attach the ground wire from the trailer hitch light socket. The biggest pain in the neck for trailers is the light harness. Kiersten, are you paying attention here? Get a volt-ohm meter, and learn to use it. It will save you lot of grief.

Craig, I can sympathize with you on the garage project. At least you haven't been faced with a lot of mud. Still, it will be a great relief to get it poured, which then makes the remaining work trivial. Tell Pat we had no idea of the problem in the middle bedroom. We are also thinking of putting down a wood floor in the bedrooms when we tire of the carpet, and then use area rugs. The first project will be re-painting before anything else.

Brent, hope your trip to Arizona turned out alright.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Why this?

Why bother with this when email works just fine?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Like Lou, I'm try out this blog.

It all looks new to me. This should be interesting.



Blogger makes blogging pretty easy, but it's not 100 percent bullet proof. Sometimes it's "down for maintenance" and sometimes it hangs up when publishing, but you really can't beat the price.

What I do to upload pictures is use my photobucket account, which is also free, and link the pictures from there to here using html code (img src="") , of course replacing the paranthesis with < > .

This was out my window Monday night.

I haven't played with the calenders a whole lot, but I can check them out later. I'm currently looking into this, which is a nifty photo viewer code that embeds into an existing page and makes things look pretty spiffy.

I'll talk to you soon.

Here's a picture of the Gutman's I took the other night when I was over there, in case you missed it earlier.

click for a larger image)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just testing the process of being invited, then signing up for an account with Google, just to reply to this blog. That is the downside of free software, you have to use their process.

Opening up a Google account is painless, and provides an online email option, which Brent uses, and Kent may migrate to, since my Embarqmail can't keep my two computers' address book synchronized like Earthlink did.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This is the day I set this blog up, basically to see what features can be added. If the idea works, for the Henrich family, then this blog can be used in lieu of the weekly emails.

It can also then allow pictures, calendars, etc to be added for added benefit to the family.